In our Last post we touched up on Why Your Business Should Have a Blog?

Now we are going to get deep in blogging and give you some ideas on How to keep up? How do you keep yourself motivated and inspired? How do you keep producing fresh content without burning out?

Whether you’re a small business owner, a marketing representative for a larger company or anybody else who’s thinking about taking on the responsibility for a corporate blog, probably your to-do list is already packed pretty filled with tasks. By having the right tools and tips you can start blogging for your business without costing a fortune.

Value of Business Blogging

Business blogging offers a ton of advantages, as we discussed previously:

Business blogging can help you to form relationships with new website visitors. Establishing connections that can result in increased revenue. Deepens the relationships you have with your current customers. When you post good content regularly, these visitors will come back again and again, leading to recurring sales without a ton of extra effort on your part. These new people visiting your website results in improving your rankings in the natural search results. Google gives value to good quality content that’s updated regularly, running a business blog is an easy way to appease both the search engines’ indexing programs and your regular readers.

Start blogging for your business – If you’re ready to take advantage of all these benefits.

So you want to start a business blog now? Getting started is quite simple but there are some things that you need to consider before starting the actual process of bogging.

Here are my guidelines for business blogging

Whether you have an existing blog or want to get started today, read through the following tips and implement them right away.

Read a lot – Reading allows us to refresh our minds, switch to another topic, and ultimately get inspired. It’s the most efficient and self-development way to keep ideas coming for your business blog.

Understand your online competition – Understanding your online competition may be the single most important factor in determining what kind of results you are likely to obtain from an SEO program. If you think about it, figuring out what your online competition is doing will give you a pretty good blueprint about what it will take to achieve visibility for a specific term or set of terms.

Creating a content strategy  – Set a successful business blogging strategy Write Keyword-Optimized Content The best way to get links to your blog is to write quality content that people will want to read. Finding readers and traffic for your blog.

Producing useful content regularly – Write at least one blog post per week. Daily blogging is great if possible. If you don’t blog consistently, people have no reason to check your website from time to time. Your visitors will only stop by a few times before the blog reader decides whether or not to return again. When they stop by and find new information each time they are more likely to return.

Scheduling posts – The blogging Scheduling feature allows improve your ranking, Not only for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) but also for your Alexa Ranking. It is crucial that every day you publish your posts at an accurate timing. You can easily plan the timing of your future posts by scheduling them. You can use the scheduling feature to schedule your post when you are busy running your day-to-day business. And on the other hand, publishing your post at accurate timing allows the crawling bots to crawl the most out of your blog.

Promote your posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks – Create your social media footprint and measure your blogging ROI by posting your content on social media channels regularly.

Its best to develop a content strategy and editorial calendar


As a business owner you don’t have the time to take the trial and error approach, you need help from someone who’s done it all before and can show you how to build a successful blog for your business, right from the start. Aim to be unique, remarkable, compelling, and most of all, useful, and your blog will have success long after many other bloggers have given up. (ProBlogger)

nCorde guides you through creating a successful online presence for your business.
