How to choose the right name for your business | ncorde

Naming your business might seem simple, but there are some safety measures that need to be taken. Choosing the incorrect name could create problems for you and your business. If someone else already owns the name that you choose, you could even catch yourself in legal trouble.

Your business name is likely to be with you for a long time. Potentially, it could be with you for as long as you run your business. Your name will also become part of your business brand. So, it’s important to choose your business name carefully.

Getting your business name right the first time – is critical.

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Here are some tips to help you choose your perfect business name:

Pick a Name that Reflects Your Plans for your Business

How do you expect to use your business name? Many start-ups especially freelancers, sole proprietors and family businesses operate their businesses under their personal name. But, if you want to present a professional image you might want select a business trade name that can scale with you and this means doing some research.

Consider how your potential name will look on the Web, with your logo, is it easy to pronounce, what implications your name will suggest, and how it separates you from your competition.

Choosing your own name for your business may seem like an obvious choice, but is it a good idea? Well it depends. If you’re thinking about naming your business after yourself, consider these two areas:

Is your name unique? Just because it’s your name doesn’t mean that someone else hasn’t already used it as a business name. Some names are extremely common and have been used everywhere.

If someone else has already started a business using your name, then you probably shouldn’t use it. This is true even if their business is in an entirely different field.

Will you eventually sell your business? It is possible to sell a business named after yourself, of course. But do you really want to give up control of something that is named after you?

Of course, many businesses are named after their founders and go on to do quite well. Using your own name that sometimes works well is using your initials.

Is the business and domain Available?

Before finalizing your choice of a business name, you will want to see if the .com name for that name is available. People will automatically assume that your website name is the same as your business name. We strongly recommend to our clients purchasing a domain name that matches their business name.

These days domain names sell quickly. Thankfully, they’re also inexpensive, so register your favorite domain names as soon as possible.

Depending on your strategy, your URL is going to be extremely important. Of course if you run a one person business I would recommend that you buy your domain name, If that isn’t available, try for on the .net or .org equivalents, in that order.

Choose a domain name you can be proud of. Imagine shouting it from the top of a mountain.

Choosing a business name that’s Easy to Pronounce and Remember

Forget made-up words and nonsense phrases. Make your business name one that customers can pronounce and remember easily. Skip the acronyms, which mean nothing to most people. When choosing an identity for a company or a product, simple and straight forward are back in style and cost less to brand.

The shorter in length, the better. Limit it to two syllables. Avoid using hyphens and other special characters.

Avoid Numbers and Hyphens Numbers and hyphens are often misunderstood — people who hear your website address don’t know if you’re using a numeral (2) or it’s spelled out (two) or they misplace or forget the dash. If you really need these in your domain, register the different variations to be safe.

Get Creative with choosing your business name

At a time when almost every existing word has been taken and trademarked. Then you have to get creative with building a new dictionary word.

Buildup names can be more meaningful than existing words. For example, “nCorde” has no dictionary definition but the word reflects technology especially web and online.

However, that made-up buildup aren’t the right solution for every situation. New words are complex and may create a confussion for you customers.

With so many websites out there, you often need to be creative to find a domain name that isn’t already taken.

Protect and Build Your Brand

To protect your brand, you should purchase various domain extensions, as well as misspelled versions of your domain name. This prevents competitors from registering other versions and ensures your customers are directed to your website, even if they mistype it.

Once you are happy with your choice, it’s also important that you take steps to protect your name against trademark infringement and register it with the right regulatory bodies for the purposes of taxation, incorporation, licenses, and permits.

Also start building your enthusiasm for the new name immediately. Your name is your first step toward building a strong company identity, one that should last as long as you’re in business.


If you find that a name meets all of the criteria above, you are ready to finalize the name. Register the name you select as a trademark and add it to your county and/or state database. And buy the domain name that matches the name you have chosen.

What steps did you go through when you selected your business name?
